# TinyDB


# What will you learn?

Reflection Topic
NA Writing Sphinx Documentation
NA System design
NA pytest 100% code coverage
  • 100% code coverage
  • Replace setup.py call with pip pip install .
    • pip will track version, as it stores other metadata
    • pip can both install and remove. Setup.py hard to uninstall/remove operation

PIP can install python packages from multiple sources

  • PyPI (and other indexes) using requirement specifiers.
  • VCS project urls.
  • Local project directories.
  • Local or remote source archives.

There's no real notion of table schemas in TinyDB. It's basically just an object storage and it's the reponsibility of the user to make sure the object has the expected format.

# How to implement LRU Cache in Python?

Had a cache size, when size is full, least recently used space is evicted. How to find least recently used space to evict?

  • Disadvantage, more overhead, we need to keep track of when the pages were used.

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