# 1. Test Page

beta+ beta+ beta+

# 1.1. markdown-it-ins


# 1.2. markdown-it-mark


# 1.2.1. sub

H20 H2

# 1.2.2. Sup

29th second

# 1.3. Footnote

Here is a footnote reference,[1] and another.[2]

# 1.4. Definition List

Term 1

Definition 1

Term 2 with inline markup

Definition 2

  { some code, part of Definition 2 }

Third paragraph of definition 2.

# 1.5. Abbr

The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.

# 1.6. Emoji

😄 🎉 đŸ’¯

# 1.7. Container


here be dragons


tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip tip


error error error error error error error error

Some quote please


Some quote without header


Newton's First Law

In an inertial frame of reference, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force.



Tip container of @vuepress/theme-default

# 1.8. Inserting code snipped from a python file


def for_else(n):
    """else in for loop is always executed"""
    for i in n:
        print('Loop', i)
        print('Else ', n)

# 1.10. Badges

sadnfoidsnofsd klsndfi nsidfon siodnf dsf Lazy loading isdbfios nfosdnf osdn fosnf osndfion siodnfosdn Lazy loading sndofkn odsnfios ndfioksnd iofnsiodfnios nfio Lazy loading sndofkn odsnfios ndfioksnd iofnsiodfnios nfio Lazy loading dsifnioa fnioasnf ionadsio fniodfn oidn f

# 1.11. Mermaid

# 1.11.1. Sequence Diagram

# 1.11.2. Pie Chart

# 1.11.3. Git graph

# 1.11.4. Gantt Chart

Basics of Gantt Chart

# 1.11.5. Add all markdown packages

yarn add -D vuepress-plugin-container vuepress-plugin-mathjax vuepress-plugin-mermaidjs \
    @vuepress/plugin-nprogress vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar @vuepress/plugin-back-to-top \
    @vuepress/plugin-blog @vuepress/plugin-medium-zoom @vuepress/plugin-last-updated \
    @vuepress/plugin-active-header-links @vuepress/plugin-google-analytics vuepress-plugin-git-log \
    @vuepress/plugin-pwa @dovyp/vuepress-plugin-clipboard-copy vuepress-plugin-reading-time \
    vuepress-plugin-img-lazy vuepress-plugin-social-share vuepress-plugin-reading-progress \
    markdown-it-container markdown-it-footnote markdown-it-deflist markdown-it-emoji \
    markdown-it-mark markdown-it-abbr markdown-it-sub markdown-it-sup markdown-it-ins \
    markdown-it-imsize markdown-it-todo

yarn add vuepress-plugin-reading-progress

  1. Here is the footnote. ↩ī¸Ž

  2. Here's one with multiple blocks. ↩ī¸Ž